Basic Facts Bricks

Our basic facts group has been working really hard to complete their Brick 1 – Facts to 5  in the given time. This group is becoming so focused on their learning and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Daffodil Day – Raising money for people living with cancer

“Today we have all dressed up in yellow to help support people with cancer, we brought a gold coin for a donation to help support the Cancer Society.” Ashlee

Our McKenzee is unwell at home but she managed to dress up in her yellow gear for Daffodil Day, well done McKenzee.

Check out some photos from today!

Epic Fire Dancing Moves

Our favourite parts:

SashaLove: Throwing it up in the air and then catching it.

Mia-Rae: I liked everything!

Faith: I liked spinning the stick.

Leo E: Balancing it on one finger.

Joanna: Balancing it on my arm or head.

Braxton: When I held it and then I threw it, then I caught it, then I spun it around you.


Thank you so much for teaching us how to dance with fire!