Excited, Frenzy, Miss Tse’s homeroom’s little post – Week 2

Miss Tse’s homeroom began the week with measurement. When we lay down, our super-measurers traced around our bodies like this.

Maybelle is tracing around Tony. Aaryan is measuring how long Zeiarus’ arm is. Aron and Zara are working on some connecting cube measurement activities.

We also made rulers by using 1cm cubes and putting ticks and numbers on a piece of paper. Here are some of the colourful, wonderful, short and long rulers we made:

Some of us also measured different objects around the classroom:

Evee – “I measured a pencil (7cm), caddy (13cm), pen, Miss Tse’s book (18cm), the voice-o-meter (19cm), a small dice (3.5cm), scissors (10cm), a whiteboard (29.5cm), a whiteboard cloth (10cm), a whiteboard pen (14cm), the thank you ticket box (11.5cm), a drink bottle (6.5cm), a gluestick (3.5cm), and the gold ice-cream box (14.5cm).”

For circle time, we played a game where we drew each other’s faces on a piece of paper without looking at the piece of paper.

Emjae – “It made me feel happy because I couldn’t look at it and the pictures were funny and the pieces were a little bit out.”

Sophia – “It made me feel excited because I couldn’t wait for it to start.”

Zeiarus – “We were having fun. When I was drawing Leo’s face it was so funny because of the drawing.”

For our reading follow-ups, we have been doing lots of ‘make and create’ activities where we make a character in the story and talk about what happened in the story.

“Well done to Miss Tse’s homeroom for a great week of measuring, thinking, reading and learning!”

Our Listening Skills

This term we are practising our listening ears.

The teacher reads out some rules, and then we have to listen and ‘show 5’ to make sure we hear them right!

Today we followed instructions about a monkey.

Check out some of our work!



We have been learning how to use multi link cubes to measure the length and width of our bodies. We worked with a buddy over two days to complete this activity. Check out our mahi.

Matariki Kite Day

These are just some of our beautiful Matariki kites our tamariki made for our Matariki Kite Flying day. It was a cold and rainy day so we had to cancel the kite flying but we were still able to share our kites with each other. We had so much fun seeing how we made our different kites. They were all different and it was great to see our children using their creativity skills to design and construct their kites.